Monday, March 23, 2009

Are You Plugged In?

I have the best Sunday School (SS) class in the whole wide world! While our church (First Baptist, Rock Hill) successfully groups people into SS by age and marital status, there came a time when I no longer found a good fit there. Four folks in my church felt the same and were led to start a new class. When I was lucky enough to find them, I was ready to plug in to their class. Now, these four (Frank, Charlotte, Jennifer, and Donna) started the class but only Frank felt God leading him to a particular leadership role and that was to teach. The others wanted to let the class "form" and see who God might lead to other leadership positions. In the early conversations between these four folks, they prayed about what God wanted them to study, who should be in the class, and what the class should be about. They came up with four things that they felt should be the class' mission statement.

  1. The class should be active in missions work, through giving, going away on trips, and doing hands-on work locally.

  2. The class should have regular opportunities to ensure building relationships amongst class members.

  3. The class would be involved in ongoing in-depth Bible study.

  4. The class members would actively be in prayer for each other.
I had been a director previously in a young couples class but I had felt God moving me away from that class and I was honestly burned out and wanted a break. After a few weeks of class and a few weeks of hearing Jennifer recite what positions were still open, I felt God speak.

"Be the director of this class Amanda."
"But Lord, I just stepped down from another class and I don't know these people."
"Be the director of this class Amanda."
"But Lord, I need a break. I'm kinda burned out."
"Be the director of this class Amanda."
"But Lord-"
"Be the director of this class Amanda."
"Yes, Lord."

And there I was, directing a new class I had not planned to direct. I liked the class, the topic was growing on me, but I knew only a couple of people in the class and one of them was my mom!

I am so glad I was obedient. I had no idea what God had in store for me and just how much these people would come to mean to me. I couldn't know that they'd uphold me when my dad died and that I would wake up on Sunday mornings so excited to see them. I couldn't know that several of them would become godly mentors for me and my husband and that two would become close confidantes. Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to send me such an awesome group of people into my life. Together we just want to love and know You more!

So my question for you is this: are you plugged in?

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)

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